initially i intended to write a whole long blog entry about this wonderful book, quoting the funniest parts and stuff, but after realising that
my heart starts beating like a jungle drum (and not in a good way) whenever someone gets me started on it i decided that it might be better just to let it go and not think any further of the pseudoscientific approach and the many heart-touching but no sense-making stories about middle and upper class white american people who realised that their job was not what they wanted to do but what they were asked to do by their parents and after changing their profession (because everyone can easily afford to go to college for a second or third time) finally became fun and cool people who are now dedicated to their work and shiny happy successful money-making members of the capitalist society, yaaaay!
by the way, my ideal job is somewhere in the field of actors, career counselors, gynecologists, researchers, airline receptionists or greeting card writers, just for your information. be the change you want to see in the world!
here is the link for all of you who want to find their true colors and follow them to the work they love, i can assist you in finding your ideal career if you are interested, i'm an expert now.
AWESOME! i'm primary orange. and green. and a bit blue. some questions were really hard, like
AntwortenLöschen"It's more important to (a) make others happy or (b) follow the rules." PHEW! tough decision!
by the way, from my perspective you're in the east (you wrote you're in the wild west now). when i think about it, it's quite awesome (!) to be so far east that everything thats usually called east is in the west and vice versa.
i'm envious about that campus and all your friends are always there thing. right now i'd love to pretend to study, but in fact hang around with folks and drink coffee water. instead i'm actually studying japanese, drinking green tea, alone, in my apartment. *sniff*
but i have good food! oh, the joy of having japanese food all the time! rice and fish, raw, baked, fried, meat, vegetables of all kind, spicy, salty, sweet (but not sugar- or even sweetener sweet), and of course umami (look that up)! yummy! :P
i tried to figure out the time difference between japan and kentucky using your information about the time difference to germany, adding that to the time difference between japan and germany and subtracting the result from 24 (because the world is round and all), but that's already high mathematics and way to much in my present state! so i'll ask in japanese:
Anna, thanks for opening my booksellertired-eyes:
AntwortenLöschenNow I´m planning to write greetingcards- and thereby I´ll live happy ever after. Great!
(Hab ich mal erwähnt, dass Grusskarten schreiben mein eigentliches, bisher geheimgehaltenes, weil ein bisschen verpöntes und gesellschaftlich nicht so recht aktzeptiertes, glücklichmachendes Berufsziel )ist? Dicke Umarmung!: ))
I'm blue dabadida... followed (would you have guessed?) by green and then orange, but only very little gold (where have I lost my dictator-skills? Just can't find them anymore...).
AntwortenLöschenno, I wouldn't have - I was pretty sure you were mostly green with some orange in it and a little blue. maybe I should send you the book so that you can do the detailed analysis ;)
AntwortenLöschenThe last time I wrote I just were convinced by the deeper meaning of becoming a greetingcardwriter- now I did the test indeed.
AntwortenLöschenThe result:
I´m blue (14) and green (12) in a nearly equal way. Who would have thought? ; )
"Your heart-felt communication style creates peace and harmony in the workplace. You know how to bring out the best in others. As a Blue personality you are gifted with tremendous people skills.
You're a heart felt communicator who has a strong need to make a difference in the lives of other people. This strength is immediately noticeable in the way you make connections and bring out the best in those you encounter. People usually feel relaxed and comfortable in your presence.
You love to build self-esteem and make others feel good about who they are. You can easily motivate and inspire people to make changes in their lives and reach their potential. This natural talent makes you excel a counselor, teacher, social worker and journalist"
Some things to point out about my glorius future? : )
It told me I should put tailgates on pickup trucks. I guess that means I'm happy.