Dienstag, 1. September 2009

baseball. horses. water ballons. natural bridge. sunday - what did we do on sunday again?!? basic leadership skills.

that's pretty much what we've been doing the last days. you must know, i'm too lazy to take pics because melisa does so all the time and i only realize i don't have any the moment i want to post them here. we've been planning to exchange them for days but, well, you know how the song goes. water ballon fight on youtube. basic leadership: see true colors.

so, baseball and horse pics to be uploaded some other time, but the natural bridge part i'll give you right away, cause that was my personal highlight in ky so far.

natural bridge is a resort park in south eastern kentucky as far as i understand (i'm not the brightest kid in the bunch when it comes to geography unless i travelled somewhere by train or car, we went by bus and i did not have to read a map...) and it's incredibly beautiful out there. they've got hiking trails which include climbing up and down a mountain (or maybe it's just a hill, but everything measures in comparison and i'm used bremen standards you know) and i guess some hotel facilities as well, at least we were at a traditional kentuckian buffet restaurant, and there's square dancing and clogging on hoedown island which we tried but failed to master.

i'll let the pics do the rest of the talking and say goodbye and good day or night or whatever time you wish with a smile and a big hug to all of you.

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