Samstag, 29. August 2009

two things i've found out about myself while being here

a) i find watching sports boring. we went to a baseball game and though i enjoyed the popcorn and kind of got an idea about what the rules of the game are (kind of like brennballish with a bit of schlagball in it), i found it seriously boring.

b) i hate, hate, hate big cheering crowds. hate! hate! hate!
i don't want to be part of something big like a waterballoon fight world record (118.000 balloons this year) if it means i have to be in a big cheering crowd. i'm okay with staying far aside and doing something else that does not include getting wet from head to toes. really okay.
but then again, maybe i just don't fit in. maybe something's wrong with me and i'm asocial or unsocial or something. i guess everyone else but me had loads of fun. maybe i'm just not fun enough, dunno. i feel so uncomfortable around many crazying around people, it's unbelievable. hate, hate, hate. hate!

i like the positive attitude people have around here, they smile all the time and are so friendly and so on, and i love that people always motivate you to keep on trying instead of criticizing as they do in germany, but there are things that convinced me i'd never become an appropriate american. they've got to do with watching sports, big cheering crowds and fast food.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hej my dear over-the-ocean-Anna: )

    Ich versuche das jetzt dir zuliebe einfach mal in meinem völlig angestaubten und recht unambitionierten Schulenglisch (siehe "no cookies, no cards) und ich hoffe, du erkennst das als sehr ernsthaften Versuch an, mich beliebt zu machen ; )

    First of all: I`m very curios about the whole what´s wrong with the american doors story!
    And I will leave a poem to make sure that I´ll get a postcard. Uff.
    Ready to read some perfect-english stuff in highest literary quality?

    "When you are back"

    When you´re back from Over-the-ocean-
    I´m sure you gonna miss the coffee.
    I´m sure you gonna miss the dance.
    But when you are back
    (and don´t forget that!)
    There will be no more sportscrowd-reinduced harms.

    Ähm : ) Ich habe mein Bestes gegeben. Ich hoffe, es geht dir unverschämt gut und du genießt die Zeit ganz arg. Ich freu mich drauf, wenn du wieder da bist- und werde in der Zwischenzeit sämtliche Herbstdinge (Zwetschgenkuchenbacken, Kürbisse aushöhlen, Laterne laufe, Blätterberge verteilen, Kastanien sammeln und Lichterketten basteln- et cetera...) im Andenken an dich erledigen und Bildmaterial sammeln : )

    Liebste Grüße- ich drück dich feste!!

